タイランド画報について (About Thailand Gaho)

タイ 女子旅

*English is below*




タイ 女子旅




<About Thailand Gaho> Thailand Gaho is a personal blog to introduce the travel information of Thailand such as hotels, restaurants, spas, rooftop bars, travel attractions so on. Especially, I am so passionate to show the modern and luxury aspect of Thailand as well as its history and culture. “Gaho” means “a pictorial” in Japanese as each blog story contains a lot of photos to make it like a pictorial.

<About Writer> My name is Mikko, a Japanese writer and photographer based in Bangkok. After working for hotels in Japan, Maldives and Thailand, I moved to Bangkok in 2003. Currently, I am working as an editor of a magazine for Japanese businessmen in Thailand and enjoy blogging as my weekend activity. My favorite place to stay for my holidays: sea, resort, spa, and cafe. Language skill: Japanese (native), Thai & English.

お問合せ先 (Contact)

E-mail: thailandgaho(at)gmail.com ←(at)を@に置き換えてください please replace (at) with @

Instagram @thailandgaho

Facebook facebook.com/ThailandGaho

Twitter @ThailandGaho

タイランド画報のサイトポリシー タイランド画報のサイトポリシー